
Sir Steve is proud of the feedback he receives from his keynote speaking and appearances.

Lifescan A quick note to say thank-you so much for making last night's The Sport of Business event such a huge success.

We were delighted to host such an eminent group of speakers and it was an honour to have you there as our headliner. The audience was thrilled - your insights into planning and achieving the (seemingly) impossible resonated and provided a huge amount of food for thought for the entire crowd. It was also really good fun and the gold medal circulating was the icing on the cake! Our partners at Amex and the Evening Standard were really pleased - the feedback has been fantastic.

We can't thank you enough for being part of it and being so open and honest in your answers - about the challenges and setbacks as well as the incredible highs through your career. It was compelling and everyone was very moved by the introduction film. The panel segment also gelled together and the ideas of team work and finding different people's (and indeed your own) strengths came through very organically via the stories that you shared so engagingly.

It was also very generous of you to speak with the audience afterwards and to be so open with your advice and wisdom. We very much hope that there will be another chance to work together in the future and collaborate on another project.


Now here is some feedback from delegates attending speaking events or listening to corporate podcasts during the last year:


So inspiring! 💪

How fantastic this is! To be sat at my desk listening to this great man speak. I love all what sport can bring to each and everyone one of us. And to listen to this legend. It really has made my day! Thank you.

Amazing, Steve is a legend.

This has made my day.

I could listen to him for hours. So interesting.

Awesome. Living Legend 😀

Brilliant session.

Really inspirational. Thank you so much.

Thanks for the inspiration and the humour you seem to inject in the ups and the lows.

Thank you Steve, that was fascinating and inspiring to listen to. All the best to you and your family.

Hope I am not the only one who wants this to carry on for longer than the current 45 minutes! This is awesome 💪

Thank you Sir Steve. Inspiring.

Thanks for a really inspirational session.

Steve absolutely great session - thanks so much.

Thank you so much Steve - definitely inspired me :-)


And here are some excerpts received from Steve's personal apearances to give you an insight into how Steve makes an impact for his clients:


IMI“We were lucky enough to be joined by Sir Steve for an inspirational talk about how teamwork can influence well-being. The audience was captured by tales of Olympic gold and left inspired to further promote teamwork. We would highly recommend Sir Steve for anyone looking to have a world-class speaker who has real world experience of peak performance.”

Tommy Hughes, People Performance Manager, Mercedes AMG High Performance Powertrains

IMI"Thank you very much for your contribution to IMI's Senior Management Conference last week in Doha. Committing to us at such short notice, making the long trip out, and investing your time and energy to support us was hugely appreciated. The Q&A session was quite brilliant - and absolutely perfect for our theme 'Becoming Most Admired'. It was a superb intro to our day and thank you very much."

Matthew Huckin, Group HR Director, IMI plc

BBC"Steve continues to inspire new generations through his broadcasting commitments. He's become a confident and committed performer who commands enormous respect from our audiences and has great on-screen presence. Steve's is able to offer viewers real insight not just in Rowing, but more generally into the world of elite sport and the pressures of competing at the highest levels. He's been a great asset and made a huge contribution to the success of the BBC's Olympic coverage."

Dave Gordon, Head of Major Events BBC Sport

Responsys Inc"Sir Steve was a truly memorable and inspirational speaker, our customers were both impressed and genuinely moved by his presentation, and I really enjoyed getting to meet him and hosting him on the stage."

Simon Robinson, Responsys Inc - Senior Director Marketing & Alliances EMEA

RFU"I asked Steve Redgrave to an England coaching session. I think I learned more from him than anyone, and so did the players. What came over loud and clear is that he is such a determined individual. Steve shook a few England players telling them just what you have to do to win gold medals and how hard it is. I think by the time the team started winning there were quite a few of them who thought they could become gold medallists too. They became completely obsessed about winning."

Sir Clive Woodward, England Rugby Coach

Mars Inc"Steve was fantastic! He went down an absolute storm - he was the highlight of the conference. His speech was very appropriate to the event and he stayed around and took photos with the attendees. He was a really nice guy and very easy to work with."

Mars Inc

Riffa Views"Your status in sport and your achievements to date made you the correct choice to join us on this occasion, but your personality, grace and good manners demonstrated that you are a true ambassador for sport and role model for our youth and you would be welcome back at any time."

Riffa Views

Gleeds"Gleeds was delighted when Sir Steve joined as Brand Ambassador in 2005, helping to motivate staff and raise our profile in the property and construction industry. Sir Steve assists with many aspects of Gleeds' work - from hosting networking events, to after-dinner speaking, to motivational sessions and international appearances - and is admired for his determination and professional position on the world-class stage. His inspiration and advice is welcomed by all, be it at a business lunch, supporting youth in education, out on the golf course or encouraging our staff in rowing competitions! We are proud to have him on board as an iconic figure and national role model and look forward to many more exciting and successful years of working together."

Richard Steer, Senior Partner, Gleeds

Dunn and Bradstreet"Having Steve attend our final review of a year, during which our 'Going for Gold' theme had been prominent, was a fitting way to close a busy 12 months for us.

The surprise element worked well for our team - the impact of welcoming such a high-profile 'golden' personality into our workplace was extremely positive. Steve's presentation was an ideal blend of personal experience matched with reflections on our business environment. The parallels that exist between the challenges faced by an Olympic gold-medallist and those of a Technology function in a Business Information company are remarkable! The effect of having Steve spend time with us, sharing his story and reliving his experiences, was inspirational and motivational. Steve engaged our audience with his warm style and winning charisma and it was great that he was able to spend time informally with our team members after the presentation. We appreciated the generosity with his time and his willingness to chat to people and join in photos.

We thank Steve for bringing his Olympic gold medal collection in to share amongst our audience - we are hopeful that the 'Midas touch' will linger into 2008 to give us another positive year!"

Julian Prower, Leader, International Technology, D&B

Oval Group"Many, many thanks for a wonderful sppech at our Conference dinner on Thursday. You had obviously worked hard to align your words with the theme of our conference. We really appreciate the care and attention you showed to us.

You had a remarkable effect on those present. Many, many people wrote that they valued your presentation and for me, personally, it was a highlight and made the hairs on my neck stand up at various points during your talk. It was truly inspirational.

For our award winners to be presented with their trophies by our greatest Olympian was remarkable and memorable. One comment from one of winners best sums up the impact:

"...Sir Steve Redgrave is simply superb and his being there ensured an already fabulous evening became sublime. Simply to say a huge thank you - definitely in my memory bank for when I am old. Wonderful."

Jeff Herdman, Group Managing Director, The Oval Group

Tesco"Tesco were delighted that Sir Steve Redgrave could make a unique contribution as a speaker at a recent launch. As our foremost Olympian he brings a reputation that is both inspiring and motivational. Sir Steve demonstrated a level of approachability and openness that helped make the event truly memorable."

Tim Mason, Group Marketing Director, Tesco PLC

Alma Place"I just wanted to thank Sir Steve for the excellent speech he gave to our meeting of senior diabetes specialists on 9th May 2005. His talk was interesting, relevant and amusing.

Sir Steve is a true professional and a very nice man - I hope we have the chance to work with him again."

Catherine Barnes, Director, Alma Place Ltd

Lifescan"Sir Steve Redgrave has helped Lifescan Scotland at several events. On each occasion all present found his talk both motivational and inspiring. As a sporting legend and Olympic champion of unparalleled success he made a unique contribution which will long be remembered."

Mike Crowe, Managing Director, LifeScan Scotland Ltd